Got Web?
Many people think that web marketing or even just having a few
pages on the net is going to cost them an arm and a leg. If your
willing to do a little work yourself, it can be done for almost
nothing. If you use a subdomain the name as well as the hosting
is free. If you need a toplevel domain and serverside applications,
these features will incur a monthly charge. There are low
cost packages offered from other sources. 0catch is just one of many
providers on the internet.
You don't need to be Supernerd to figure all this web stuff out
but a few tips might help. We have prepared a small document to
help you on your way. Although it is specifically targeted to
users of 0catch, much of the information can be applied anywhere
on the net. If you purchase the document all future updates will
be free. As an alternative you may want to hire our design and
publishing services. I am sure you will find the small investment
very rewarding.
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